
Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone had a great long weekend and that you got to celebrate the veterans in your life, and thank you to all of the veterans who receive this email for your service and sacrifice!

Here are some updates for this week:

  1. Today is an early release day, so students will be dismissed at 2:30.

  2. Conferences are still taking place! We hope everyone has been able to meet with your child's teacher to celebrate your child's growth so far this year!

  3. Want to join the Congin Cougar Staff? We are still looking for ed techs and a traffic control officer.


    Please apply here or send this link


    to anyone who you think might be interested!

  4. Please remember that school starts at 8:40. Any student that arrives after 8:40 will be considered tardy.

  5. Our cougars are still working on the theme of gratitude by earning and giving gratitude feathers to put on our turkeys around the school. Students are working hard to reach our goal of 300 by the end of the month.

  6. Today is our Congin Rio Bravo Day! 10% of all sales at Rio Bravo today will be donated to our Congin PTO, so make sure to get out and get some delicious Mexican food!

  7. We will be having a Congin Cougar Skate Night at Happy Wheels from 5:00-7:00 on Friday. Please note that students need to be accompanied by an adult the entire time and that students cannot be dropped off.

  8. Friday night we will also have author Kelly Starling Lyons coming to the Westbrook Performing Arts Center from 5:45-7:00 for any family that would like to attend. Kelly Starling Lyons will also be coming to Congin on Friday afternoon to talk to our students about how she became an author and how she comes up with the ideas for her books.

  9. Our PTO is looking to put on our yearly Silent Auction again this year, but we need some donations! I have attached a flyer for different things you can donate, such as items for themed baskets, gift cards, gift baskets, etc. Students can bring in donations and submit to the office.

  10. Just a reminder that we will have no school on November 27th!

  11. It's a great day to be a cougar!

Marc Bisson
Congin School