Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,
Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are already heading into November? This school year is flying by and the students are already making so much progress. This is an exciting time of year when we start to see the growth of students, and we get to share that growth during parent teacher conferences. As always, thank you for entrusting us with your children, because we are lucky to have the students and you as part of our Congin community.
Here are some updates for this week:
Today is Wednesday, so it is an early release day! Students will be released starting at 2:20pm.
Please remember to call in before 1pm if you are making any changes to your child's afternoon pick-up schedule.
Please help our pick-up line by staying in your car while kids enter the vehicle, unless they are getting in the left side. This will help our pick-up line move smoother and faster.
We had an assembly last week where we celebrated our work with responsibility. Students earned 867 responsibility apples, which surpassed our goal of 500. Thank you so much to all of those who participated with apples at home. This was a fun activity for staff and students, and we will be celebrating with a Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day tomorrow!
At our assembly, we also rolled out our new theme of gratitude for the month of November. Students learned what it means to show gratitude, and we had a brave group of 2nd grade students who modeled what gratitude can look like in the cafeteria. We presented a new challenge to students where they will be earning gratitude feathers anytime a teacher appreciates something that the students do. Additionally, students can give out gratitude feathers to adults who they appreciate. We have a goal of 300 by the end of the month!
Next Tuesday is election day! The Community Center will be busy with voters throughout the day, and there will also be some police present during this time. Please do not be alarmed.
Just a reminder that we will have Parent Teacher Conferences on November 7th, which is also a half day for students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 on this day, and staff will be doing parent teacher conferences in the afternoon. Teacher will also be providing times throughout November, so please reach out to your child's teacher if you have not signed up for one yet!
No school on November 11th for Veteran's Day!
Author Kelly Starling Lyons will be coming to the Westbrook Middle School's Performing Arts Center on November 15th from 5:45-7:00pm for any family to attend!
On November 13th, Rio Bravo will be having a Congin Day! Rio Bravo will donate 10% of all food sales on this day directly to Congin!
On November 15th, there will be a Congin skate night at Happy Wheels from 5-7pm. This event will cost $11, which includes a skate rental. We hope to see you there!
It's a great day to be a cougar!
Marc Bisson
Congin School