Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,
Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone was able to enjoy their long weekend and that your week is going well so far. I know some of you have reached out to indicate that you had not been getting my emails, so I figured I would try something different to see if it would reach more people. Hopefully today's email finds most of you, and if it doesn't please let me know.
Here are some updates for this week:
Please don't forget that Wednesdays are early release days! Students are released an hour early starting at 2:20.
Picture Day is this Friday! Please make sure to order online, or if you you are ordering with the flyer, please make sure that gets to school with your child on or before Friday. Please do not send in cash! If you are not ordering online, your pictures must be paid with a check. We will not have cash to provide change.
Head lice is going around. I have attached a fact page from the Maine CDC regarding head lice for you to reference, but if you have any further questions about head lice at school, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school nurse, Melody Heath, at
Next week we are celebrating our school bus drivers and our crossing guard for Bus Driver Appreciation. Our PTO has some amazing things planned to celebrate them!
Students are still working on our theme of responsibility by earning responsibility apples at home, on the bus, and at school! Every day students have been coming to school with more and more apples, so it has been really exciting to see our trees fill up around the school. We will be continuing this until 10/24. If we reach our goal of 500 apples, students will be able to dress as their favorite book character on 10/31!
On Monday, October 21st, our Fall vaccination clinic will be taking place for any families that have signed up.
Just a reminder that on 11/7 there will be a half day. Students will be released starting at 11:30, and we will be having parent/teacher conferences that afternoon/evening. Teachers should be reaching out to you to schedule conferences, so be on the lookout for any information regarding conferences!
There is no school on November 11th, as it is Veteran's Day!
November 13th, Rio Bravo will be having a Congin Day. Rio Bravo will donate 10% of your meal purchase directly to Congin.
We will be having a Congin Happy Wheels Skate Night on November 15th from 5-7pm. This costs $11 per skater. This is not a drop off event. Every student will need to be accompanied by an adult to attend this event.
It's a great day to be a cougar!
Marc Bisson
Congin School