It's a new month, which means we have a new theme! For the month of October, we will be focusing on the theme of Responsibility.
At our assembly, we celebrated our work with respect in the month of September. Students were earning rays of respect and we had a goal of 250 rays. Students exceeded that goal by earning 332 rays of respect! To celebrate, we will be having a hat day on Friday, October 4th!
As we focus on responsibility, students learned about how they can be responsible on the bus, at school, and at home. Some brave 3rd graders modeled how we can be responsible on the bus. For this month, students are earning responsibility apples at school, on the bus, and at home! Parents, be on the lookout for some apples, and when your child demonstrates responsibility, write your child's name and what they did on the apple. Your child can then bring the apple to school and place it on one of our responsibility trees! We have a goal of 500 apples for this month, and I can't wait to see all of the acts of responsibility taking place!